Urban Dictionary just be one of the best sites for mindless entertainment, or just to see what other people think your name means. I think the best time I've ever had with this site was fucking around on the site with my best friends Peter and Lacey in Foods class instead of looking up out decorative sandwich things. Of course for the most part the teacher thought we were on task thanks to Peter pulling up the "Sammich" tab on UD every time she walked by. He was keeping us all entertained with his animated readings of the definitions. The dirtier the funnier lol. It was going great until the sub walked by and Peter again, faithfully pulled up the other tab and exclaimed "Sammich!" and began rereading the definition out loud. The sub then looked at him and said "You do realize I gave the class free time?" God the look on our faces was priceless.
Check the urban definition....Sammich: A sammich is a type of sandwich. However, it is not just any kind of sandwich. Any old schmuck can throw lunchmeat between two slices of bread and have a sandwich. But no. A sammich is not just a sandwich, it is not just a meal. Sammich is a term reserved for only the holiest and mightiest of all sandwiches. A sammich is a true work of culinary art; a feast on a bun, if you will. A sammich is not made of the best ingredients; it is made of the *right* ingredients. It needs the right meats, and the right cheese(s), the right sauce, the right veggies, and the right kind of bread. Taking footlong sub bread and throwing every kind of meat and cheese and everything else under the sun or in your kitchen pantry on it does not a sammich make. It is akin to an incohesive mishmosh of colors on an artist's easel. Sandwiches make a good snack, but sammiches are forever.
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