Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
It's like a drought or a flood, nothing or everything. You completely fucked me up. If I give in, and I remember, which almost everything makes me...then it comes rushing in and I feel everything. The anger,the pain, the sadness and more, it's just empty though. But when I ignore it, you...there's just, nothing. I'm numb.
Monday, October 24, 2011
P, you know you have really done a number on me. God it's like I can't even escape you, which makes no sense because you left. You were my best friend, and I loved you dearly. Maybe more than I should have. Fuck, you know, everything seems to spark a memory of you. Even my favorite new show. Ironically my favorite character, Sid, he reminds me so much of the you that I used to know. Every fucking bit. Tonight I snapped and cried for you again. God I wish I was as cold as you, not remembering, not caring, and certainly not hurting.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I'm scared of a lot of things right now. Myself, and everyone else. I don't want to leave the house when it isn't necessary because I am terrified of getting hurt again. I can't even admit things to myself anymore. Does that even make any sense? Well, either way it is the truth. I have isolated myself from the world, and even then there are cracks in the wall I built and things keep slipping through. Like you. Even though you moved away, I seem to see you every where and ti's driving me insane. Haven't you hurt me enough already? Because of you I don't want any one else near me, because there is absolutely nothing else left in me to break. The fight has all gone out of me and I'm hurting, terribly bad. You know how I live now? If you can even call it living. I have become a ghost of the girl I was, I read, and I watch shows, I live through things that aren't real. I go through the motions but even then, I'm not really into any of it. I hope you are happy where ever you are, and I hope that maybe there is some chance you still remember me, if the drugs haven't taken memories from you to along with decency. And if they haven't I hope you have each thing, and I hope you're ashamed of yourself, of what you've done. Maybe it isn't fair I blame you, but it isn't just you and we both know that. You just happened to be the final pebble that made it all collapse.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
You're still very much alive, somewhere. But the way I keep breaking down, it's as if you've died. It's like I'm standing here and the world is going on around me, but how can they? can they not see that I'm hurting, screaming silent lungs out inside. Everything is just so surreal. Can't you tell me that I'm being just a little bit stupid? Can't you tell me anything? I never got goodbye, but maybe I would not have handled it. But then again I'm not handling it now. Unless you call crying, and looking back handling things? I miss you. But maybe you don't miss me. I'm actually terrified that maybe you hate me and it was all some big charade.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
1000 Girls, Two Hands, One Epic Month
1000 Girls, Two Hands, One Epic Month
Wow I can't believe how bold he is, sure takes bravery. I really love some of the girls reactions.
Wow I can't believe how bold he is, sure takes bravery. I really love some of the girls reactions.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
I'm feeling out of place or something. I have no clue what's going on with me but I don't know how to stop it. Since he left I don't know it's like I've backed away and put the walls up. I'm normally a very social person and hate being away from my friends but now I'd do anything to be away from them except a select 2 people. I mean yea at school I'll hang around with people but that's more out of necessity than anything else. But as soon as the final bell rings I just don't want them near me, I'll go out of my way to avoid them. I make up excuses and lie my way out of hanging out with anyone. If people texts I'm irritated and never really reply. I spend most of my time alone, reading and longboarding when it isn't too cold.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I'm frozen. Cold from the inside out. And I must admit that it isn't because it's raining and the temperature isn't at a cozy setting, it's because you aren't here. I could wear the warmest sweaters or put the heat on full but nothing could help me. I miss your eyes, your smile, but mostly I just miss you.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Sometimes I like to convey my thoughts using song lyrics from a song I like or a line of a book or other means. And I with you knew that. I wish you knew that sometimes I'm speaking to you in this way. I wish you knew it was my way of putting everything I want you to know in words that I don't have the means to do myself.
I love you, I really do. But at this point I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in you before. I know you have a brain and are seriously smart, so why don't you use it and stop doing such stupid action especially when the cost is so high. You'll never know that I found out and it almost killed me, I begged for you to get some mercy out of the situation, and maybe you will. But if you done and worse comes to worse, you knew the consequences when you crossed the line.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I'm not entirely sure how many read this but I'm spreading the word. Vote #teamjace in the Final Round of the YA Crush Tourney, you know you want to! He is hard to resist with his sarcastic charm that leave you laughing and then there's his to die for looks. Fans have helped him make it this far, but here is where it really counts, so come on, vote #teamjace and help him win!
Here's the link to the tourney: href="http://ya-sisterhood.blogspot.com/2011/08/grande-finale-jace-vs-zachary-match-24.html">
Here's the link to the tourney: href="http://ya-sisterhood.blogspot.com/2011/08/grande-finale-jace-vs-zachary-match-24.html">
Monday, August 8, 2011
I think this made my day, and I have only the wonderful Lane to thank for that because he post this on my wall. : "Rhianna, first off, let me say that I loved being in Film Appreciation with you this year! We've only known each other a few months, but I would consider you a good friend of mine. You are a quirky individual - you never fail to surprise me with your bold personality. I love how you are so honest about your opinions and eager to express yourself no matter what other people may think. Don't let people get you down for being true to yourself."
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Urban Dictionary just be one of the best sites for mindless entertainment, or just to see what other people think your name means. I think the best time I've ever had with this site was fucking around on the site with my best friends Peter and Lacey in Foods class instead of looking up out decorative sandwich things. Of course for the most part the teacher thought we were on task thanks to Peter pulling up the "Sammich" tab on UD every time she walked by. He was keeping us all entertained with his animated readings of the definitions. The dirtier the funnier lol. It was going great until the sub walked by and Peter again, faithfully pulled up the other tab and exclaimed "Sammich!" and began rereading the definition out loud. The sub then looked at him and said "You do realize I gave the class free time?" God the look on our faces was priceless.
Check the urban definition....Sammich: A sammich is a type of sandwich. However, it is not just any kind of sandwich. Any old schmuck can throw lunchmeat between two slices of bread and have a sandwich. But no. A sammich is not just a sandwich, it is not just a meal. Sammich is a term reserved for only the holiest and mightiest of all sandwiches. A sammich is a true work of culinary art; a feast on a bun, if you will. A sammich is not made of the best ingredients; it is made of the *right* ingredients. It needs the right meats, and the right cheese(s), the right sauce, the right veggies, and the right kind of bread. Taking footlong sub bread and throwing every kind of meat and cheese and everything else under the sun or in your kitchen pantry on it does not a sammich make. It is akin to an incohesive mishmosh of colors on an artist's easel. Sandwiches make a good snack, but sammiches are forever.
Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm looking through some pictures I've taken over the last while and I came across this one. It still makes me laugh, god we are such totally dorks. I love it though, this still remains one of the best pictures my camera has ever snapped. It is sad however that some of us have gone our separate ways. Lacey you're still one of my best friends and I love you. Ashley, Cassy, well the memories were good, and I hope your lives take you where you want to go and maybe we'll cross paths again.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
It's feels like no matter how far I run, I'm getting no where. Every corner brings me right back to where I started. And it feels like no matter how hard I try and find, they will always find me. There is not a single shadow that can block my cowering form from their site. I think no matter how much I scream and call out, I'll never be heard. My voice is just lost n amongst the chaos surrounding me.
Monday, August 1, 2011
I just want to scream or shout or cry or something because I'm hurt, sad and mad and I'm even madder at myself for feeling this way! I'm mad at you too, you are part of the reason I feel this way and yet I don't want to feel it because I miss you. Yea, after all that I still miss you. After like a month of next to no contact it took a friend taking a trip to the hospital to get one freaking response from you. Gee thank you so, so much.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
A thousand thoughts run through my head
I remember all the words you said
As I lie here alone in this bed
I still can’t accept that you’re gone
I’m listening to our old song
And remember the times we’d both sing along
I hope you remember it all too
And please don’t forget that I love you
Maybe that will always be the truth
I remember all the words you said
As I lie here alone in this bed
I still can’t accept that you’re gone
I’m listening to our old song
And remember the times we’d both sing along
I hope you remember it all too
And please don’t forget that I love you
Maybe that will always be the truth
So I keep looking at this picture and thinking I miss you guys. Yea every girl needs her best friends and you two are definitely mine. It doesn't matter that we haven't known each other since we were little because I hope we'll know each other the rest of out lives. Lacey, Peter I really do love you guys. Every memory we share is absolutely amazing. And every time I see your smiles I feel amazing. Please do me a favor and never, ever stop being the amazing people you are because you make the world a better place just by being you. Yes, I realize you guys may not be perfect, but you are perfect to me.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
So I suppose it's time I reveal my goal for now: Longboarding. Haha maybe a few people know. But yea I want to be able to board bombing down hills, sliding and other tricks and just a faster, cheaper and more healthy means of transportation. And this is my board, the Loaded Tan Tien. I love it. To ride feels so free, and just amazing.
Friday, July 29, 2011
So I saw you yesterday, on day 30 of not really seeing you. I guess it's summer so it's not a big deal. Although I was a little hurt. Maybe the time had a bit to do with it but it was mostly your actions. I don't think you would have even noticed me had I not spoken out in such obvious shock about seeing you. What hurt more was your very flimsy reasoning when I asked if you were ever free and told you to text sometime instead of being such a stranger. Maybe it's just me and maybe it'll all blow over. But I am scared, I don't want to lose such a great friend.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Right now I feel lost among the days. 29 days since I last saw you, and I miss you. 18 days I've worked and missed out on so much so far this summer. 7 days since my phone filled with all the messages that made me smile decided to die. And even the days stretch ahead. 4 days until my goal is a beginning reality. 9 days until I take on house sitting on top of my job. 14 days until I can think about getting away from this town. And finally about 33 days until Summer will become a distant memory.
Sometimes we have to think on the bright side, what are some things you love? It can be anything to simple moments to a huge part of your life. This is my list:
I love the soft stillness in the air when walking in the woods in Autumn.
I love the way my best guy friend Peter grins when he is obviously up to something.
I love the way my bunny hops up to give "kisses" when you open the top of her cage.
I love the comforting smell of rain in the air when you're caught outside.
I love how right and yet suspended I feel when I'm walking home at night and I can see the stars shining above me.
I love how gentle and quiet Peter is when he lays there gently tracing my lips and other features with a careful artful finger, his eyes deep in thought and soft as ever.
I love falling asleep to a thunderstorm outside, it's just calming in a wild way.
I love waking up to still silence, with a text message waiting for me from someone I care about.
I love watching the landscape slide by when I'm in the vehicle on a long drive.
I love the safe and secure and right feeling I get cuddled up to someone I love.
I love the freeing rush you get when going on fast rides at a carnival.
I love how time seems to still when I curl up and get absorbed in a book.
I love the secrets that old books seem to hold when you open them.
I love the smell of the smoke and the crackle of the fire when you're huddled around it.
I love walking around the town with friends late at night, it's so still and almost ghostly.
I love laughing until I snort when my best friend tickles me, even when I tell him to stop and pretend it's mean.
I love the way the sun sets in the summer, painting the sky an array of beautiful colors.
I love walking the trails out by the lake, even when Lace and Jazz run ahead and hide from Peter and I because we are apparently less out doorsy.
I love the pointless snow ball fights me and my friends start and end only when we're laughing too hard to throw anymore.
I love going to new places and experiencing things there.
I love when I stumble across old pictures of my friends and I or notes and drawings we've exchanged, it brings memories that were just out of grasp back to the surface.
I love sitting there and talking in circles with friends on a lazy afternoon when we have nothing better to do. We come up with the most outrageous scenarios and pointless games so it is always worthwhile.
I love the inside jokes I share with my friends, they confuse the hell out of everyone else but never fail to make us laugh all over again and enable us to add more.
I love going to the lake or the river with friends and slowly wading in, screaming playfully about how cold it is.
I love having my hair just gently played with, it's so calming and just over all nice.
I love the soft stillness in the air when walking in the woods in Autumn.
I love the way my best guy friend Peter grins when he is obviously up to something.
I love the way my bunny hops up to give "kisses" when you open the top of her cage.
I love the comforting smell of rain in the air when you're caught outside.
I love how right and yet suspended I feel when I'm walking home at night and I can see the stars shining above me.
I love how gentle and quiet Peter is when he lays there gently tracing my lips and other features with a careful artful finger, his eyes deep in thought and soft as ever.
I love falling asleep to a thunderstorm outside, it's just calming in a wild way.
I love waking up to still silence, with a text message waiting for me from someone I care about.
I love watching the landscape slide by when I'm in the vehicle on a long drive.
I love the safe and secure and right feeling I get cuddled up to someone I love.
I love the freeing rush you get when going on fast rides at a carnival.
I love how time seems to still when I curl up and get absorbed in a book.
I love the secrets that old books seem to hold when you open them.
I love the smell of the smoke and the crackle of the fire when you're huddled around it.
I love walking around the town with friends late at night, it's so still and almost ghostly.
I love laughing until I snort when my best friend tickles me, even when I tell him to stop and pretend it's mean.
I love the way the sun sets in the summer, painting the sky an array of beautiful colors.
I love walking the trails out by the lake, even when Lace and Jazz run ahead and hide from Peter and I because we are apparently less out doorsy.
I love the pointless snow ball fights me and my friends start and end only when we're laughing too hard to throw anymore.
I love going to new places and experiencing things there.
I love when I stumble across old pictures of my friends and I or notes and drawings we've exchanged, it brings memories that were just out of grasp back to the surface.
I love sitting there and talking in circles with friends on a lazy afternoon when we have nothing better to do. We come up with the most outrageous scenarios and pointless games so it is always worthwhile.
I love the inside jokes I share with my friends, they confuse the hell out of everyone else but never fail to make us laugh all over again and enable us to add more.
I love going to the lake or the river with friends and slowly wading in, screaming playfully about how cold it is.
I love having my hair just gently played with, it's so calming and just over all nice.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Last night I laid there and couldn't get you off my mind no matter how hard I tried. You know what I remembered? You lying next to me and tracing my eyes and lips with gentle fingers, so care free and artistically. And I remember the soft look in your eyes watching as you did so. I still wonder what you were thinking?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
When I say life is full of surprises, I mean you never know how the dice will be rolled. One minute someone may seem like your very worst enemy, and yet, when you need someone to say something to cheer you up and to talk to, they are the one that is there. And then on the other hand the person you thought you could've trusted for years will turn out to be the worst thing for you.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Life is changing fast, I look back and over the last month or so I have grown so much. I'm not the girl I was when some of you used to know me. I fell out with friends and found real ones. I decided I needed to think of me a little more than just putting everyone and everything else first. And I guess I fell into some things I never thought I would. But overall it's all part of living and the experience. It also leaves me with questions and I think I will have to find myself all the answers because there really isn't anyone else out there who could help me.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Don't like gay marriages? Don't get one. Don't like cigarettes? Don't smoke them. Don't like abortions? Don't get one. Don't like sex? Don't have it. Don't like drugs? Don't do them.. Don't like porn? Don't watch it. Don't like alcohol? Don't drink it. Don't like guns? Don't buy one. Don't like your options taken away? Don't take away someone else's!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saw this quote on Silverfish, honestly it inspires me and encourages me to keep going. Love it.
"If you love to ride, then your a longboarder. Skill doesnt matter and in the end, how nice your set up is doesnt even matter. If your a guy or girl with a longboard, that just enjoys it, then your a longboarder."
"If you love to ride, then your a longboarder. Skill doesnt matter and in the end, how nice your set up is doesnt even matter. If your a guy or girl with a longboard, that just enjoys it, then your a longboarder."
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Just over two years ago, I fist met you. I thought you were completely adorable and you made me smile over such a simple thing. Just over a year ago, I walk into a class and you're there. I thought that you were gorgeous. Yea I can't deny I had it bad, and well maybe I still do. But back then I thought knowing you would just be impossible because we were from different groups, so you were just a distant thought. These days I see you every few days and talk even more. Now I'm just afraid to get too close in case you disappear.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Started learning the basics of skateboarding and longboarding today. i did pretty good except my one wipe out, that ended in me laughing uncontrollably over my own fail. Now I have a huge bruise and some road rash, it's sweet though, means I'm getting somewhere with this. It makes my goal a bit more real.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Oh the amusing conversations I have over texts with McWeiner.
Peter: Sup Rhi
Me: Just chilling out with a movie, you?
Peter: Sweet, which movie? And I'm just chillin watching wheel of fortune haha
Me: Lolz interesting choice. I'm watching Despicable Me.
Peter: Haha it's my gramma's choice. That's the cartoon that came out not too long ago right?
Me: Yea the one with the yellow dudes. How was your day?
Peter: Nice, and it was fun, me an my sister, grampa and uncle went for a bike/longboard ride around an island, it was pretty sweet. What was your day like?
Me: Lol sounds like lots of fun. I went to Red Deer again with Lacey and my cousin. Then we soaped the trampoline and put a sprinkler under it. :]
Peter: Noice, was Red durr as dead as yesterday? Haha, damn trampolines are dangerous enough without extra slippage.
Me: Yes very alive today. And you should know there is fun in danger. I survived with a scratch.
Peter: Ya well it coulda been worse...I watch funniest home videos, shits crazy.
Me: Paranoid? Lol jk. And the important thing is that I didn't have one of those AFV moments. :D
Peter: Hahaha luckyyyy, well I have balls to protect when I go on a tramp. And I've seen far too many poor bastards pinch em in a spring or whatnot.
Me: I'm sorry I just had a good laugh over that. But honestly if you don't dick around that shouldn't happen.
Peter: Well of course I'd dick around, that's what happens when you're a teenage boy with lots of raging hormones ha.
Me: Lol but if you dick around too much you get your balls stuck in a spring like other poor SOB's.
Peter: Exactly, that's why no dicking around will take place when balls are vulnerable to pinching metal coils. I'm too young to be known as Peter "sorry-sac" L****r.
Me: Hahaha I have no clue what to say to I'm laughing too hard. :D
Peter: Hahaha oh c'mon I could've come up with a better name than that, I just didn't wanna take all day lol.
Then a bit later....
Peter: So hows Despicable Me?
Me: It was pretty good. The yellow dudes are great. Hows Wheel of Fortune?
Peter: Sweet I thought about watching it but then I decided it would be lame ha, and wheel of fortune is over, now we're watching cops xD
Me: Its only lame if you can't laugh. And cops is always exciting!
Peter: Hey I know how to laugh, maybe that movie IS right for me. :P and hells yea, I'm getting all sweaty just watchin'.
Me: Lol possibly. And be excited from this side of the tv only, I don't want to turn on the tv one day and see you on cops. :p
Peter: HA, I was just thinking that... "What if my grampa saw me on cops one day" he'd probably laugh and call me a dumbass.
Me: Nice. Great thought process right there! Please don't bring it to life though.
Peter: Hahaha yea, and I'm pretty sure they they have to tell you if they're going to put it on tv, so I'd do a little acting while I'm at it :D "NAH, THAT'S NOT MY CRACK, I SWEAR I'M HOLDING IT FOR MY PET TIGER, THAT BITCH IS ADDICTED FO LIFE".
Me: Omg lol. XD
Peter: Haha or something to that degree.
Me: Well nothing like a bit of impromtu acting eh?
Peter: Haha caught off guard by police while possibly half cut? Honestly I think I'd just comply and not be a douche, in previous encounters that works best lol.
Me: Previous encounters? Oh do tell lol.
Peter: Sup Rhi
Me: Just chilling out with a movie, you?
Peter: Sweet, which movie? And I'm just chillin watching wheel of fortune haha
Me: Lolz interesting choice. I'm watching Despicable Me.
Peter: Haha it's my gramma's choice. That's the cartoon that came out not too long ago right?
Me: Yea the one with the yellow dudes. How was your day?
Peter: Nice, and it was fun, me an my sister, grampa and uncle went for a bike/longboard ride around an island, it was pretty sweet. What was your day like?
Me: Lol sounds like lots of fun. I went to Red Deer again with Lacey and my cousin. Then we soaped the trampoline and put a sprinkler under it. :]
Peter: Noice, was Red durr as dead as yesterday? Haha, damn trampolines are dangerous enough without extra slippage.
Me: Yes very alive today. And you should know there is fun in danger. I survived with a scratch.
Peter: Ya well it coulda been worse...I watch funniest home videos, shits crazy.
Me: Paranoid? Lol jk. And the important thing is that I didn't have one of those AFV moments. :D
Peter: Hahaha luckyyyy, well I have balls to protect when I go on a tramp. And I've seen far too many poor bastards pinch em in a spring or whatnot.
Me: I'm sorry I just had a good laugh over that. But honestly if you don't dick around that shouldn't happen.
Peter: Well of course I'd dick around, that's what happens when you're a teenage boy with lots of raging hormones ha.
Me: Lol but if you dick around too much you get your balls stuck in a spring like other poor SOB's.
Peter: Exactly, that's why no dicking around will take place when balls are vulnerable to pinching metal coils. I'm too young to be known as Peter "sorry-sac" L****r.
Me: Hahaha I have no clue what to say to I'm laughing too hard. :D
Peter: Hahaha oh c'mon I could've come up with a better name than that, I just didn't wanna take all day lol.
Then a bit later....
Peter: So hows Despicable Me?
Me: It was pretty good. The yellow dudes are great. Hows Wheel of Fortune?
Peter: Sweet I thought about watching it but then I decided it would be lame ha, and wheel of fortune is over, now we're watching cops xD
Me: Its only lame if you can't laugh. And cops is always exciting!
Peter: Hey I know how to laugh, maybe that movie IS right for me. :P and hells yea, I'm getting all sweaty just watchin'.
Me: Lol possibly. And be excited from this side of the tv only, I don't want to turn on the tv one day and see you on cops. :p
Peter: HA, I was just thinking that... "What if my grampa saw me on cops one day" he'd probably laugh and call me a dumbass.
Me: Nice. Great thought process right there! Please don't bring it to life though.
Peter: Hahaha yea, and I'm pretty sure they they have to tell you if they're going to put it on tv, so I'd do a little acting while I'm at it :D "NAH, THAT'S NOT MY CRACK, I SWEAR I'M HOLDING IT FOR MY PET TIGER, THAT BITCH IS ADDICTED FO LIFE".
Me: Omg lol. XD
Peter: Haha or something to that degree.
Me: Well nothing like a bit of impromtu acting eh?
Peter: Haha caught off guard by police while possibly half cut? Honestly I think I'd just comply and not be a douche, in previous encounters that works best lol.
Me: Previous encounters? Oh do tell lol.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Dream big, reach far, shine brightly, you're a star! Congratulations to all the 2011 graduates from WCHS! You've all made it through school and you'll be going onto living amazing lives in the real world! Remember this isn't the end but merely the beginning, you are opening a new chapter in you're lives, one that shall hold many surprises.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Life is just too short to play by the rules, and wait for something amazing to happen. Be yourself, make things happen. Take a chance, make it risky. Wear something completely inappropriate for the wrong occasion just because you can. Scream at the tops of your lungs, for no apparent reason, because the world needs to hear you. Go ahead and drive fast, feel the rush of life before it passes you by. Roll around in a pile of autumn leaves and breathe the crisp air in deep, because it makes you feel alive. Fall out with friends, cry and fight because it's all part of life. Love those wrong for you but don't hold on because someone out there is right. Just enjoy it all.
Your eyes are liquid amber. They hypnotize me, and etch themselves into my memory. I can never quite read them, except the odd flicker that sparks on the surface of the waters. But I know that those eyes read almost everything, it's almost horrifying to think about everything you see. I think you see right through me, pierce my shields and go right to my core. Even when you're in that haze, you seem to know more than you let on. Your eyes are completely, addicting and it's beautiful.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
It's the simple things that always keep me going. Tonight was great. I almost thought Peter wasn't going to end up making it to the dance because of work. He did, and I'm so happy he made it. He also kept his word and slow danced with me. Simple as it is, it's something to remember. I love that kid, he is an amazing friend.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Negativity, you think it's my answer. No I just don't think you'd believe me trying to see the brighter side. I'm taking it in small steps but these days it's more than some of you have. Yes I can be negative, but not as much as you think. I mean when something I'm not exactly pleased about -like working long stretches- I sit and think to my self 'Hey, it seems bad now but think, you'll survive it and in the end you'll feel accomplished because you got through it.' It's a mantra that usually helps, at least with the small things.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I now think I know what drowning feels like, and I didn't even need to be submerged in the dark depths of the ocean, or any water for that matter. I just had to be submerged in the pressure, the pressure of problems. And the person who pushed me the furthest under was the one I thought would take the time to throw me a life line and pull my into the safety of the shore. I feel as if I can never get it all off my chest, I with I could just push it all away, so that I could actually breath again.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You will have your heart broken and you will break others' hearts. You will fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them. But no matter what happens always know that you are loved and will always be.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'He walked up smiling that lovely smile, big brown puppy dog eyes twinkling and his arms outstretched inviting me into his warm embrace. Whenever I hear that song this image lights up my mind and I think my heart races to a stop all over again. I think I can even still hear him laughing and saying “This silly boy can always make you laugh, and we both know it”, I can even still feel the ghost of the innocent hands clasped together and the arms around me keeping me safe from the cold. It’s a memory now but it’s a part of me.'
It seems that at least once in everyone’s life they will experience that ever famous cliché, summer love. And as much as I may like to deny the fact, I am one of those people. There’s just something so magical about it, the way that the summer makes you feel lifetimes away from your actual life filled with the school year routines. The days and nights fade together in that endless string of memories filled with smiles and laced with laughter. And on top of it all there is that one person you spend every day beside. The one you look over from the passenger seat and smile at, because their presence makes it all worthwhile. It’s the one summer you wish you could put the world on hold for, just to spend your life living in this alter universe. But you have to come back to the ground sometime and the summer must come to a close. That’s why the song Summertime by Mae is a keeper on my soundtrack, it always brings me back to sunny days laughing and the chilly nights cuddled up to that silly boy.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Last night we were having fun talking and then we brought up a serious question for at the end of our videos. Who is your hero? You all answered then looked at me, I laughed is off and said Andy Six...I guess you knew I was joking and persisted. I couldn't tell you, I was scared to say that he was still my hero. Because he saved me when you couldn't see.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
I’ll say all the right words in all the right places
As long as it puts a smile on both your faces
And you’ll never know that I’m dying inside
Because half the words were a bold faced lie
I thought that I could make it all right
And that maybe I wouldn’t be up all night
Guess I was wrong and I still care
I’m still not the right girl, as long as she is there
As long as it puts a smile on both your faces
And you’ll never know that I’m dying inside
Because half the words were a bold faced lie
I thought that I could make it all right
And that maybe I wouldn’t be up all night
Guess I was wrong and I still care
I’m still not the right girl, as long as she is there
Monday, January 24, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Oh if only you knew? How your precious girl, she said such cruel things that stabbed not only me but you as well straight through the back. How she said I was a whore? That's I had slept with you and that you yourself had cheated on her with me? I bet you never heard one word of that. She twisted that web of lies far from the sight of your eyes, and far from ear shot. Funny isn't it? How we never kissed, it was but innocent things way back, things that promised we had something. Sad isn't it? How I was scared silly to say something and pursue it, how you didn't notice or were in denial ignoring it. Did you know? She's more than likely using you? That I...well I love you. Yea I'm sure you didn't know that either.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Do you want to know what my problem is? I will tell you what my problem is…
I love you. I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love your
gorgeous smile, I love the way you walk, I love your beautiful eyes, I
love the sound of your laugh, I love the way you get mad, I love the
way I don't understand you at all. I love the way I can be having the
worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood. I
love how when you touch me I get weak. And I love how you make me feel safe.
That's my problem...
I love you. I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love your
gorgeous smile, I love the way you walk, I love your beautiful eyes, I
love the sound of your laugh, I love the way you get mad, I love the
way I don't understand you at all. I love the way I can be having the
worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood. I
love how when you touch me I get weak. And I love how you make me feel safe.
That's my problem...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
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